5 TED Talks On The Importance Of Teamwork & Collaboration

Picture this scenario.

You drop your child on their first day at preschool.

You watch them from a distance. They go for the bag of blocks, and just when they start building their tower, another pair of tiny hands reaches for the same. Your child turns back to see another version of themself do what they do. The same child that probably threw a tantrum when you touched their toys, puts out a smile and starts building a tower together with the child. The foundation of teamwork and collaboration is built at that very tiny age!

Why teamwork matters:

The initial years of a child's life, as emphasized by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, are critical as they witness the highest rate of neural connections being established. With over 1 million neural connections forming in a child's brain every second, this period lays the groundwork for all subsequent learning experiences. Consequently, it becomes essential to impart vital social, mental, and physical skills to children during their early years.

Teaching your kids about the power of teamwork and collaboration is possible through the right conversation, experiences, books, games, apps, and videos. More on teamwork and how to help build this essential skill in your children.

5 TED Talks on teamwork and collaboration:

We have put together 5 wonderful TED Talks you need to watch that tell you the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Go ahead and watch them and let us know how you instill the value of collaboration in your children!


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