Importance of character building in children.

Character education and character building involve developing and nurturing the positive character traits and values that will help children throughout their lives. Investing in character development with children early on can help with the following:

Developing their social skills - Children in K-5th grades are still learning how to interact with others and character education will help them build positive social relationships through a good foundation of empathy, kindness, respect and teamwork.

Promoting self-discipline
- Helping children learn and understand the consequences of their choices and taking responsibility for their actions, plays an important part in helping them develop the values of self-discipline, self-regulation and responsibility. 

Building resilience - Supporting children through challenges and providing them with encouragement during setbacks, helps them develop resilience - a valuable trait that will make them persevere through challenges in the future.

Developing a strong moral compass - Character education through imparting values such as honesty, integrity, fairness and respect for one another, along with an explanation of choices and consequences of individual choices, helps children develop a strong moral compass which is essential for making good choices in the long-term and living a fulfilling life.

Unlocking their true potential - Research has shown that when children feel safe and supported in a positive learning environment, where they can also see/ experience positive character traits, they are more likely to engage in learning and achieve academic success.

What are some of the values that are most important to you?


Navigating tech in the early years of education


Non-academic skills our children will need, to be future ready.