Read Aloud Story: Fact or Opinion?

At Yeti, my friend, we believe in co-consuming screen time with your children. This not only helps you bond better with your kids but also encourages conversations that make the young minds think and question accordingly. Here’s a story that you can read aloud to your kids to teach them what is a fact and opinion.

Carrots are the tastiest!

Once, in a sunny field of Cloverland, two friends, Fuzzy the Bunny and Whiskers the Mouse, had a lively debate under the big oak tree.

Fuzzy twitched his nose and said, "You know Whiskers, carrots are the tastiest snack ever!"

Whiskers wiggled her whiskers and replied, "That's your opinion, Fuzzy. I think cheese is the yummiest!"

Just then, Sage the Owl flew down, overhearing their chatter. "Hoo-hoo, what's all this about tasty snacks?"

Fuzzy and Whiskers explained their disagreement.

Sage nodded wisely, "Well, Fuzzy, saying carrots are tasty is an opinion, just like Whiskers' love for cheese. It's what you feel and believe, but it can't be proven to everyone. Now, if you said, 'Carrots are a type of vegetable,' that would be a fact because it can be verified."

Whiskers nodded, "And if I say, 'Cheese is made from milk,' that's a fact too because it's something we can prove!"

Sage smiled, "Exactly! Remember, friends, a fact is something true and can be proven, like the oak tree is tall because we can see and measure it. An opinion is what someone believes, like the tree is beautiful, which may not be what everyone thinks."

Fuzzy and Whiskers thanked Sage for teaching them the difference and happily continued their snack, knowing that whether it's carrots or cheese, snack time was the best time in Cloverland.

Here is a small handy guide to help kids differentiate facts from opinions:


Why Kids Are Awesome At Problem Solving- The Superpowers Of Young Brains


Why “Because I Said So” Isn’t Right Always